Change mode command – chmod

Change mode command - chmod

Syntax:chmod [-Options] <permissions> <file/directory> Explanation:chmod is an abbreviation for change mode.Chmod is used to decide which users has the right to read, write or execute a certain file or folder. In other words: set the permissions of that file or folder. Permissions of files and folders

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Manage permission of files and folders in the Terminal for Mac OS X

Manage permission of files and folders in the Terminal for Mac OS X

Permission Permissions can be set in two different ways: Symbolic mode and Numeric mode.We are now going to explain these two options. Setting permissions with Symbolic values (Symbolic mode) When setting permissions with symbolic values you’re mostly going to use three different letters:

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chown – change owner of a file or folder

chown - change owner of a file or folder

Syntax:chown <new owner>(:<new group>) <file/directory> Explanation:chown is an abbreviation for change owner.With chown you can change the owner of a certain file or folder. Examples chown john myfile.txt  Change the owner of the file “myfile.txt” to the user called “john”. chown john:group2 myfile.txt  Change the owner and group membership

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